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Updated Cell Phone Policy

Posted Date: 08/13/2024

Updated Cell Phone Policy

Cell Phone Policy


Cell phones, smartwatches, headphones, earbuds, or any other item that distracts from teaching or learning. Upon entering the school building, students’ cellphones and other distraction items must be turned off and out of sight for the duration of the school day. This includes before school starts, during lunchtimes, passing periods, and athletic periods. Lockers, restrooms, and travel between buildings are not exempt from this policy. When necessary, the office phone may be used by students to contact a parent/guardian. Parents may contact the office to get a message to their student for time sensitive information that cannot wait until the school day ends. Any cellphone or distraction item that is seen or heard by a staff member during school hours will be confiscated and taken to the office as soon as possible. The device will be secured in the principal’s office and retrieved at the end of the school day. The principal will contact a parent/guardian and take appropriate disciplinary action based on the student’s number of offenses. Headphones provided to students by teachers in their classrooms for educational purposes do not apply as distraction items. 


A rare exception may be made for a student who needs his/her cell phone throughout the day for a significant medical purpose with medical documentation, or for an exceptional circumstance prearranged with the building principal. Significant medical purposes require the principal’s approval and a valid doctor’s note or medical prescription. If an exception is made and the student is found to be using his/her phone for any reason other than the pre-approved purpose, a parent/guardian will be notified, and the student’s discipline will follow the same order as other students in regards to detention and/or suspension. The school is not responsible for and will not replace a student’s lost or stolen item if it is left in an unlocked locker, classroom, or other accessible school space during the school day. 


1st Offense: The device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Three lunch detentions will be assigned. 


2nd Offense: The device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Three after school detentions will be assigned. 


3rd Offense: The device will be returned to the student at the end of the school day. Three days of In School Detention (ISD) will be assigned.  

After 3rd Offense: A parent or guardian must retrieve the device from the office at the end of the school day or as soon as possible. The student will be suspended for a minimum of 3 days for each offense at the discretion of the principal.