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Immunization Requirements


The board of education shall provide an environment for students to study, interact, and learn. Such an environment shall be reasonably free of known hazards that may threaten or endanger the health of our children or educators. 

The board of education shall require that no child be admitted to this school district unless and until the student's parent/guardian provides (1) a current , up-to-date immunization record OR a completed and signed state-approved exemption form. Either the up-to-date immunization record or a completed and signed state-approved exemption form must be on file with the district prior to the student's admission to the district. The exemption form shall specify that the student has received or is in the process of receiving the immunizations currently required by Oklahoma State Department of Health regulations, unless the exemption has been granted from the immunizations on medical, religious, or personal grounds or as otherwise required by law. If a parent is unable to pay for the required immunizations, the school will refer the student to the State Department of Health for assistance. 


Oklahoma Immunization Schedule
Oklahoma Immunization Schedule
Oklahoma Immunization Schedule
Oklahoma Immunization Schedule